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One Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07860
973-579-0430 Fax: 973-579-0444
(11/22/2024) Construction Notice: Bridge D-38
Construction of Sussex County Bridge D-38 project has reached substantial completion. CR 519 (Wantage Avenue) is open to vehicular traffic as of November 22, 2024.
See the attached public notice for more information regarding the project.
(11/7/2024) Project Completion Notice: CR517 Andover Sparta Road Gas Main Installation Project
The Gas Main installation work has been completed within Andover Sparta Road, CR517. Minor trench restoration, a minimum 4.0’ mill and pave operation, will occur the week of November 11, and will be completed during night time hours. This restoration work will be from the intersection of Grist Mill Lane to approximately #27 Lenape Road. (Approx. 1,100 LF total) Additionally, residential service connections will also begin the week of November 11, 2024, and will be completed under a single lane flagger controlled operation. These service connections will be ongoing as permits are issued through the Division of Engineering.
(10/11/2024) Project Update: Bridge Q-06
Demolition of the existing bridge has been completed as well as the installation of steel sheeting along the proposed bridge abutments and wingwalls. Excavation for construction of the cast in place bridge footings will begin next week. The bridge site will remain closed to vehicular traffic, with a posted detour in place, for the duration of construction. See the attached Public Notice for additional information.
(10/4/2024) Project Completion Notice: CR606 - Brighton Avenue - Gas Main Installation Project
Please see updated Public Notice related to the above referenced project.
(9/5/2024) Project Notice: CR606 - High Street - Gas Main Installation Project
The Gas Main installation work between Tranquility Road, CR 517 and the intersection of State Route 206 is scheduled to begin on or about Monday, September 9, 2024 and will be completed during daytime hours. Please see updated Public Notice related to the above referenced project.
(8/26/2024) Project Update Notice: 2024 Sussex County Resurfacing Program
The 2024 Sussex County Resurfacing Program design plans and supporting documents are currently under review with an anticipated construction award in the Fall of 2024. A Project Update Notice with more detail will be distributed as the project progresses and construction approaches. Please see updated Public Notice related to the above referenced project.
(6/28/2024) CR517‐Andover Sparta Rd, Gas Main Installation Project
The Gas Main installation work between Grist Mill Lane and the intersection of Andover Mohawk Road, CR 613 and Lenape Road, CR 517 will be completed during nighttime hours. The remainder of the project from this intersection to Briar Patch is anticipated to be completed during normal daytime hours. Please see updated Public Notice related to the above referenced project.
(6/17/2024) Project Start-Up Notice: Resurfacing of Lee Hill Road, County Route 671
Please see attached Project Public Notice regarding the resurfacing of Lee Hill Road, County Route 671. This work is tentatively scheduled to begin on Monday, June 24, 2024.
(6/17/2024) Project Notice: Gas Main Installation Project
Please see attached Project Public Notice regarding the Elizabethtown Gas Company gas main extension project in Andover Borough & Township on Lenape Road & Andover Sparta Road, County Route 517. This work is tentatively scheduled to begin on Monday, June 24, 2024.
(6/17/2024) Public Notice: All Way Stop - CR 517 & Lake Pochung Road, Vernon
Please be advised that the implementation of an All Way Stop Intersection at CR 517 (McAfee Glenwood Road) & Lake Pochung Road, Vernon Township is scheduled to begin on or about the week of June 24th, 2024. For further information, see the attached project notice.
(5/3/2024) Public Notice: CR 521, Stillwater, Operational Safety Measures
Please see the attached Public Notice for updated information regarding the above referenced project.
(4/17/2024) Construction Notice: CR 644 (Vernon Crossing)
Please see the attached Public Notice regarding the completed installation of a pedestrian warning beacon system and midblock crosswalk along CR 644 (Vernon Crossing) in Vernon Township.
(4/16/2024) Public Notice: Replacement of Sussex County Bridge D-38
The Contractor for the Replacement of Bridge D-38 has closed CR 519 (Wantage Avenue) at the bridge site and commenced construction.
The bridge site will remain closed to traffic and a signed detour route posted for the duration of construction. Please see the attached project notice for more information regarding the project.
(4/05/2024) Public Notice: CR 521 Operational Safety Measures
In the interest of public safety, a segment of CR 521 was reduced to a single lane in Nov 2023. Traffic flow through the area is controlled utilizing temporary traffic signals to maintain two-way, single-lane operations. CR 521 will remain in a single-lane condition until remedial measures capable of restoring reasonable level of safety along this segment of the CR 521 have been designed and constructed.
See the attached public notice for more information regarding the project.
(3/28/2024) Bridge D-38 Construction Start Notice
A construction contract for the Bridge D-38 replacement project was awarded to Sparwick Contracting, Inc., of Lafayette NJ, at the March 27, 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting.
Construction of the project is to begin on or about April 16, 2024 and CR-519 (Wantage Ave) will be closed to vehicular traffic at the bridge site and a signed detour implemented.
See the attached public notice for more information regarding the project. Project updates will continue to be distributed as construction progresses.
(2/14/2024) Bridge X-48 Construction Award Notice
A construction contract for the Bridge X-48 replacement project was awarded to Grade Construction, of Paterson, NJ, at the February 14, 2024 Board of County Commissioners Meeting.
Please see the attached Public Notice for additional information. Project updates will continue to be distributed as construction progresses.
(1/17/2024) 2023 Contractor Guide Rail Upgrades: Project Update Notice
Please be advised that the County’s Guide Rail Upgrade Program is underway and will continue, on a rolling basis, until project completion.
Please see the attached Public Notice for additional information.
(10/27/2023) Bridge Q-06 Replacement Update
Phase 2 – Overhead Utility Relocation: JCP&L is nearing completion of their utility relocation work. The communication utilities have been notified to relocate their lines to the new poles and remove the old poles, however, at this time, there is no schedule for completion of the utility work.
Phase 3 – Bridge Replacement: Timing for the start of bridge construction is dependent on the completion of the utility work, the temperature/weather conditions, the general contractor’s work schedule, as well as any other unforeseen conditions. A preliminary bridge construction schedule will be developed once the utility work is completed.
Main Street at Bridge Q-06 remains open to traffic. The 10-ton weight posting remains in effect.
See the attached Project Notice for additional information. Updates will be distributed as construction progresses.
(9/15/2023) Construction Notice: Bridge K-03 Sidewalk Repairs
Please be advised that Sussex County Office of Bridge & Traffic Safety, with support from the Division of Public Works, will begin sidewalk repairs on Sussex County Bridge K-03 (aka River Styx Bridge) in Hopatcong Borough, beginning on or about Tuesday September 19th.
The bridge will remain open to traffic for the duration of construction. A daily single lane closure will be implemented during working hours, with the use of flagger-controlled work zones. Anticipated working hours are 7am to 3pm. Road users should expect delays.
For further information, please see the attached public notice, or reach out to the Sussex County Division of Engineering at 973-579-0430.
(9/8/2023) Project Update Notice: 2023 Sussex County Resurfacing Program
Please be advised that the 2023 Sussex County Resurfacing Project is ongoing. Please see the attached Project Update Notice for additional information regarding the project.
(9/1/2023) Construction Update: Bridge Q-06 Replacement Update
At this time Main Street at Bridge Q-06 will remain open to traffic. The 10-ton weight posting remains in effect. See the attached Project Notice for additional information. Updates will be distributed as construction progresses.
(8/16/2023) Road Closure & Detour: Replacement of Bridge X-54
Please be advised that Oil City Road at Bridge X-54 was closed for construction at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday August 16th. Oil City Road will be closed for the duration of construction, with a signed detour in place utilizing State Line Road and State Route 284. Construction is anticipated to take multiple months through the Fall of 2023. For more information, please see the attached notice.
(8/15/2023) Construction Start Notification: Roadway Improvement and Streetscape Project
Please be advised that on or about August 21 construction will begin on CR 519, a.k.a. Mill Street in the Town of Newton. The attached Public Notice includes additional information regarding the project.
Traffic Impact:
During Phase One & Phase Two of the construction CR 519 southbound will be closed between CR 622, a.k.a. Swartswood Road and US Route 206, a.k.a. Water Street. CR 519 southbound traffic will be detoured around the closure using North Park Drive. CR 519 northbound will remain open to traffic but anticipate delays.
Access to businesses and residential properties will be maintained during the construction.
(8/4/2023) Construction Start Notification: Replacement of Bridge X-54
Please be advised that the start of construction for the Replacement of Sussex County Bridge X-54 project, on Oil City Road in Wantage Township has been postponed again to 8/14/2023. Oil City Road at Bridge X-54 will be closed for the duration of construction, with a signed detour in place utilizing State Line Road and State Route 284. Construction is anticipated to take multiple months through the Fall of 2023. For more information, please see the attached notice.
(7/18/2023) Construction Update: Replacement of Bridge Q-06
The new utility poles have been installed and JCP&L will begin the preliminary work required for the relocation of their lines/transformers to the new poles this week. However, due to ongoing storm restoration work and heavy power demand during the summer months, JCP&L advised their work will likely not be completed until sometime in September. Upon completion of JCP&L's work, the communication utilities will be scheduled to relocate their lines to the new poles and the existing poles will be removed. Main Street will be fully open to traffic during Phase 2 construction, with the exception of potential occasional daily closures during some overhead utility relocation operations. See the attached Project Notice for additional project information. Status updates will be distributed as construction progresses.
(7/14/2023) Construction Notice: Replacement of Bridge X-54
Please be advised that construction will begin on or about 7/31/2023 for the Replacement of Sussex County Bridge X-54 project, on Oil City Road in Wantage Township. Oil City Road at Bridge X-54 will be closed for the duration of construction, with a signed detour in place utilizing State Line Road and State Route 284. Construction is anticipated to take multiple months through the Fall of 2023. For more information, please see the attached notice.
(7/14/2023) Project Completion Notice: Bridge V-18 CR 644 (Vernon Crossing Road) Investigation
Please be advised that, as of approximately 9:30 A.M. on 7/14/2023, Bridge V-18 is open and CR 644 was restored to two-lane, two-way traffic between CR 517 and SR 94. Please see the attached Public Notice for additional information.
(7/10/2023) 2023 Sussex County Resurfacing Program - Project Start-Up Notice
Please be advised that the 2023 Sussex County Resurfacing Project will commence on or about July 11, 2023. Please see the attached Project Start-Up Notice for additional information regarding the project.
(6/30/2023) Public Notice – Bridge Investigation Advisory
Please be advised that the County will be conducting a structural investigation of Bridge V-18 on CR 644 (Vernon Crossing Road) in Vernon Township, beginning on or about Tuesday, July 11th.The investigation is expected to take two working days to complete. Bridge V-18 will be closed for the duration of the investigation. Vernon Crossing Road will be detoured via Church Street, SR-94, Sand Hill Road, and CR-517 while Bridge V-18 is closed. The schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. Please see the attached Public Notice for additional information. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
(6/30/2023) Striping Project Start-Up Notice
Please be advised that the 2023 Striping Program is scheduled to begin on or about Monday, July 10th, 2023. For further information, see the attached project notice. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Engineering at 973-579-0430 or via email at
(6/22/2023) 2023 Sussex County Resurfacing Program - Project Award Notice
Please note that the 2023 Sussex County Resurfacing Project was awarded to Riverview Paving Inc. by the Sussex County Board of County Commissioners on June 14, 2023. Please see the attached Project Award Notice for additional information regarding the project.
(5/16/2023) Construction Notice: Bridge L-09 Replacement
Please be advised that Warbasse Junction Road at Sussex County Bridge L-04 has been opened to traffic as of today. The contractor, Sparwick Contracting, has reached substantial completion on the bridge replacement project. Some minor punchlist and cleanup items will be taken care of over the next couple weeks to reach final completion. For more information, please see the notice attached.
(5/5/2023) Project Notice: Bridge L-09 Repair
Please be advised that construction is anticipated to begin on or about Tuesday, May 9th for stone masonry repairs of Bridge L-09 on Van Sickle Road in Lafayette Township. Traffic will be controlled through the work zone with a daily, self-yielding single lane closure, which will be reopened at the end of each work day. Construction is anticipated to last 3-4 weeks. For more information, please see the notice attached.
(5/3/2023) Project Notice: Roadway Improvement and Streetscape Project
The County and the Town of Newton have partnered on a Streetscape and Roadway Improvement project to improve a segment of Mill Street, a.k.a. CR 519, within the Town. For more information, please see the attached public notice.
(4/26/2023) Construction Update: Bridge Q-06 Replacement
Please be advised that the watermain relocation work commenced on March 27, 2023 and, due to delays experienced during installation of the by-pass piping, the original completion date of April 30, 2023 has been revised to May 5, 2023. The May 5th completion date is subject to change due to adverse weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. For more information, please see the attached public notice.
(3/30/2023) Construction Update: Bridge L-04 Replacement
Please be advised that construction is progressing well for the replacement of Sussex County Bridge L-04. The contractor has completed all of the concrete pouring work and is now working towards surface finish treatments, minor storm sewer improvements, and preparing for final paving and guiderail installation. Bridge L-04 will remain closed for the duration of construction. County Route 663 (Warbasse Junction Road) will remain open to local traffic only, and a posted detour route will be in effect for through traffic until the project is substantially complete. For more information, please see the attached public notice.
(1/6/2023) Traffic Advisory: CR 620 (Glen Road) Geotechnical Investigation
Please be advised that a single lane closure will be established along CR 620 (Glen Road) in Sparta Township, between Main Street and E. Mountain Road, for the purpose of obtaining soil borings along the westbound shoulder of CR 620. A flagger controlled work zone will be established to maintain eastbound and westbound traffic, alternately, in the eastbound lane. The single lane closure will be implemented on Tuesday, 1/10/23 and Wednesday, 1/11/23, from approximately 7 am to 5 pm. The schedule is subject to change based on weather or other unforeseen circumstances. For more information, please see the attached public notice.
(12/13/2022) NJDOT US Route 206 Rockfall Mitigation – Andover Twp & Town of Newton
This Project responds to potential operational safety concerns associated with the rock embankments adjacent to the roadway. Recommended rockfall mitigation methods generally include creating stable rock slopes through mechanical removal of loose rock and/or use of controlled presplit-and-blasted removal methods. No detours are anticipated. For safety purposes, temporary traffic stoppages are planned only when necessary to protect the safety of the roadway users.
(12/8/2022) NJDOT - Project Information Bulletin, Rt. 206, Bridge over Big Flat Brook, Sandyston Township, Sussex County, NJ
Please find the following notice regarding the Rt. 206, Bridge over Big Flat Brook project.
(12/6/2022) Public Notice: Road Closure CR 517, Andover Boro
Due to the advanced state of deterioration of the road surface through the tunnel, resurfacing is required to restore safe operating conditions. The work will consist of milling, paving, and re-striping of the north and southbound lanes through the tunnel. In the interest of public safety, CR-517 will be closed to traffic on or about Tuesday, December 13, 2022.
(11/2/2022) Project Update Notice: 2022 Contractor Guide Rail Upgrades
Please find the attached Project Completion Notice regarding the removal and replacement of damaged and/or substandard guide rail systems along CR 605, CR 631, and CR 655.
(10/4/2022) Project Completion Notice: Bridge D-05 Guide Rail Upgrades
Please find the attached Project Completion Notice regarding upgrading Bridge D-05. Construction is completed at Sussex County Bridge D-05 on County Route 655 (Morris Turnpike) in Frankford Township.
(9/13/2022) Project Completion Notice: 2022 Sussex County Striping Program
Please find the attached Project completion Notice regarding the 2022 Sussex County Striping Program.
(8/25/2022) Project Completion Notice: 2021 Sussex County Resurfacing Program
Please find the attached Project Completion Notice regarding the 2021 Sussex County Resurfacing Program.
(8/23/2022) Traffic Advisory: Bridge P-28 Geotechnical Investigation
Please find the attached Traffic Advisory regarding Bridge P-28 carrying DeGroat Road over Little Flat Brook. The County will be conducting geotechnical soil borings at Bridge P-28 on CR 675 (DeGroat Road) in Sandyston Township. Work will take place starting on Wednesday August 24th and is expected to take two working days to complete.
(8/19/2022) Traffic Advisory: Bridge S-26 Geotechnical Investigation
Please find the attached Traffic Advisory regarding Bridge S-26 carrying Stillwater Road (CR 521) over Swartswood Creek in Stillwater Township. The geotechnical investigation is expected to take one to two days to complete with traffic impacts expected between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Monday, August 22 through Tuesday, August 23. Schedule subject to change pending weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances.
(8/12/2022) Project Completion Notice: 2022 Sussex County Crack Sealing Program
Please find the attached Project Completion Notice regarding the 2022 Sussex County Crack Sealing Program.
(7/28/2022) Traffic Advisory: Bridge P-28 Geotechnical Investigation
Please find the attached Project Notice regarding the reconstruction of Bridge P-28, carrying DeGroat Road (CR 675) over Little Flat Brook in Sandyston Township.
(7/25/2022) Traffic Advisory: Bridge S-25 Geotechnical Investigation
Please find the attached Project Notice regarding the County conducting geotechnical soil borings at Bridge S-25 on CR 622 (Swartswood Road) in Stillwater Township, beginning on or about Monday, August 1st. The borings are expected to take three working days to complete.
(7/25/2022) Traffic Advisory: Bridge S-26 Geotechnical Investigation
Please find the attached Project Notice regarding the County conducting geotechnical soil borings at Bridge S-26 on CR 521 (Stillwater Road) in Stillwater Township, beginning on or about Thursday, August 4th. The borings will commence following completion of the Bridge S-25 geotechnical operation are expected to take three working days to complete.
(6/30/2022) Traffic Advisory: Bridge D‐05 Guiderail Upgrades
Please find the attached Project Startup Notice regarding the structural upgrades to Bridge D-05's headwalls in order for the bridge (CR-655 Morris Turnpike, Frankford Township) to better facilitate guiderail weldment connections over the structure.
(6/6/2022) Project Startup Notice - Sussex County Crack Sealing Program
Please find the attached Project Startup Notice regarding the sealing of cracks in roads throughout the county. Work locations are selected based upon an evaluation of pavement conditions, traffic volumes, and in coordination with other roadway maintenance activities.
(5/27/2022) Construction Notice - Replacement of Bridge L-04
Please find the attached Construction Notice regarding the replacement of Bridge L-04 on CR-663 (Warbasse Junction Road) in Lafayette Township.
(4/29/2022) Construction Update - Bridge Q-06 Replacement
Please find the attached Construction Update regarding the replacement of Bridge Q-06, which carries Main Street over the Wallkill River, Sparta Township.
(4/13/2022) Public Notice - Daily Bridge Closures
Please find the attached Public notice regarding the replacement of existing guide rail systems connected to bridges H-16 and H-17 (Twin Bridges) along CR 626 (Halsey Road at MM 1.85±, Hampton Township.
(4/1/2022) Project Update Notice - 2021 Sussex County Resurfacing Program
Please find the attached Project Update Notice regarding Sussex County's Resurfacing Program. Notice includes revised dates for milling and paving.
(3/10/2022) Project Notice - Replacement of Signal SC-36
Please find the attached Project Notice regarding the replacement of signal SC-36 on the intersetion of CR-607 (Crescent Road and Lakeside Boulevard in Hopatcong Borough).
(2/18/2022) Design Notice - Bridge X-48 Replacement
Please find the attached Design Notice regarding the replacement of Bridge X-48 which carries Mudtown Road over Clover Brook in the Township of Wantage.
(2/18/2022) Design Notice - Bridge D-38 Replacement
Please find the attached Design Notice regarding the replacement of Bridge D-38 which carries CR 519 (Wantage Avenue) iver Dry Brook Tributary in Frankford Township.
(2/4/2022) Public Notice - Gas Main Installation Project
Please find the attached Public Notice regarding the installation of a 6" Gas Main and residential gas service in and along Stanhope Sparta Road.
(1/28/2022) Public Notice - CLOSURE - Bridge X-07 - Wantage Township
Please find the attached Public Notice regarding the closure of Bridge X-07 on Cemetery Road in Wantage.
Each municipality has its own bridge code. For example, bridge E-04 is in Franklin Borough.
A9 | Andover Borough | L | Lafayette Township |
A | Andover Township | M | Montague Township |
B | Branchville Borough | N | Town of Newton |
C | Byram Township | O | Ogdensburg Borough |
D | Frankford Township | P | Sandyston Township |
E | Franklin Borough | Q | Sparta Township |
F | Fredon Township | R | Stanhope Borough |
G | Green Township | S | Stillwater Township |
H9 | Hamburg Borough | T | Sussex Borough |
H | Hampton Township | V | Vernon Township |
J | Hardyston Township | W | Walpack Township |
K | Hopatcong Borough | X | Wantage Township |
Contact Us
Sussex County Division of Engineering
One Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07860
William J. Koppenaal, P.E., County Engineer, Department Administrator
Public Input
Design Standards
Standard Construction Details
These details have been developed by the Sussex County Division of Engineering to augment, and as appropriate replace, the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Construction Details.
Land Development Standards
Provide rules, regulations, and standards for site plans and subdivisions and procedures for review of site plans and subdivisions within the County's jurisdiction.
The Sussex County Division of Engineering is charged with overseeing the numerous facets associated with maintaining, improving, and monitoring the County's Transportation network. The Division works closely with the Division of Facilities Management providing project support and civil/survey design services for a variety of facility related capital improvement projects. Additionally, the Division of Engineering provides technical support to the Division of Planning.
Included within the Department's responsibilities are tasks such as in-house design of road and bridge improvement projects, management of multimillion dollar design projects, monitoring the condition of bridges; signals; signs; traffic markings and other similar infrastructure items, developing long term capital budgets, construction stakeout, ROW surveys, management of county road and bridge construction projects, track traffic trends, and monitor work within the county right of way through road opening and driveway permits.
We invite you to browse our current web pages. Information is continually being developed and posted. Should you have any comments please feel free to email us at