Young Historians of Sussex County

Babe Ruth golfing in Walllkill Golf Course in Franklin, circa 1947.
There is a need to proactively engage our next generations in the preservation of our common history. Sussex County would benefit from citizens working to achieve preservation. We introduced this program to recognize those who would actively work toward this goal. Open call for applications begins on February 18, 2023, and closes on June 30, 2023. Awardees will be presented at the NJ State Fair at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in August.
Applicants will apply for their corresponding age group's historian category.
The historian categories are as followed:
- Ben Franklin1 Award to a fourth grader who is beginning to understand about history and history's importance.
- Babe Ruth2 Award to rising stars, flexing their interest in history and in the 8th grades of schools in Sussex County.
- Thomas Edison3 Award to our emerging thought producers and creative minds who are in the high school (open from 9th through 12th).
- George Washington4 Award to an experienced Sussex County resident who has shown the interest in history, displayed the perseverance through service to the community, and has obtained the wisdom gained through their years to help with the preservation of our past.
- Phyllis & Moses5 Award to a Sussex County resident who display an interest in new areas of history that may benefit from additional study, research, and recognition
Participants in each category would provide a one-page description for their category. Winners would be selected by a committee formed under the Historian. A certificate and $250 will be awarded in each category and the money distributed through the input of the recipient and judgment of the committee and County Commissioners.
Realization would be as follows: the existing page for the county historian (Sussex County History - Sussex County ) will serve as the platform for announcements. Awardees will be recognized during the New Jersey State Fair in Augusta, NJ. Cycle is from February 18 (open), June 30 (close), August (award).
For the year 2023, some centering thought for each category is:
☐ Ben Franklin Category: "What do I think is the study of history?" The fourth grade student may write about what they see is history, and how they might be involved themselves with history.
☐ Babe Ruth Category: “During my years leading up to 8th grade, there have been some influences on my interest in history...” Some examples that one might state is the involvement of their family, lessons in school, readings and shows in their spare time, travel to historic sites, and current events.
☐ Thomas Edison Category: “How might I make a difference?” Some examples that one in high school might consider include how to further strengthen preservation of existing structures like the historic courthouse or High Point Veterans Monument, promoting history interest among their friends, creating or encouraging history groups, and travel.
☐ George Washington Category: “In looking back through the years of being in Sussex County, how might I suggest that we can preserve our history?” The committee will accept proposals for those who may have achieved this level.
☐ Phillis & Moses Category: “Where are some areas of Sussex County history that may be enhanced by further study, research and recognition; lesser documented or marginal groups and some areas not well explored in our county’s history?”
Benjamin Frankin (1706-1790) was an American Founding Father who was a leading intellectual of his time. He was a critical thinker who proposed solutions for the problems of society. He was a writer, scientist, inventor, and statesman.
Babe Ruth (1895-1948) is one of the greatest sports heroes in the American culture; he was a frequent and passionate visitor to Sussex County.
Thomas Edison (1847-1931) is considered America’s greatest inventor; he was a frequent visitor to Sussex County with his mining interests.
George Washington (1732-1799) is considered the greatest American as military general, political leader, statesman, and Founding Father; his strategic maneuvers in the Revolutionary War brought him and the Continental troops through Sussex County several times.
Phyllis Treloar was a young woman who lost her life serving as a nurse during the Spanish Flu epidemic, caring for those many who were sick at the overflow beds at the Neighborhood House in Franklin; she was a lifelong resident. Moses Piggery was an infantryman who served in the U.S. Colored Troops during the Civil War, was a laborer and landowner, and is representative of the Americans of African descent who have been a part of our community for hundreds of years; and was a lifelong resident of the Hardyston area.
Visit the Sussex County Wikipedia page to learn about county history, indigenous peoples, geology, and much more.
Sussex County Historian: William R. Truran
Sussex County Board of County Commissioners