Assisted Transportation
- Target population is Senior Citizens ages 60 and over
- Transportation services available Monday through Friday in Sussex County
- Services include medical transportation, shopping and vital errands for seniors who require a higher level of assistance and meet eligibility criteria
- For information and for trip reservations, call (973) 579-0480 and ask for Assisted Transportation Program
Employment Transportation
- Demand-response bus service to & from work, training and post-secondary education for the GENERAL PUBLIC including senior citizens and people with disabilities
- Alternative for all commuters not served by regularly scheduled public transit
- In-County trips
- Monday – Friday, 5:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Fully accessible fleet, all lift-equipped
For information & trip reservations call: 973-579-0480
Funded through a Jobs Access Reverse Commute (JARC) grant and a NJ Senior Citizens and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Grant.
- Service available Thursdays, excluding County holidays
- Trips provided for medical appointments to out-of-county VA facilities (East Orange, Morristown and Lyons, NJ, Castle Point, NY) and State VSO offices
- Available to Sussex County veterans with a minimum of 90 days of active U. S. Military service
Fully accessible fleet, all lift-equipped
Sponsored by Sussex County
For trip reservations call 973-579-0480
Hardyston & Vernon Paratransit Service
- Service available Monday-Friday, excluding County Holidays
- Service area includes intra-county, and out-of-county
Target populations are senior citizens age 60+ and persons with disabilities of any age
- Trip destinations include: Senior Center and Nutrition Site, shopping, medical appointments, community services, and other local errands
Fully accessible fleet, all lift-equipped
For trip reservations call 973-579-0480