Office of Public Health Nursing

- Office of Public Health Nursing
- Public Health NursingContact Information
- Public Health NursingFrequently Asked Questions
- Public Health NursingNews
- Adult Health Care Screenings
- Babesiosis
- Cancer Education and Early Detection (NJCEED)
- Child Health Conference
- Communicable Disease Program
- DASH Diet
- Diabetes Prevention & Management
- Ebola Information
- El virus del Zika
- Emergency Preparedness
- Health Check
- Health Education Topics
- Herbal Supplements and Prescription Medications
- Hypothermia and Frostbite
- Influenza Information
- Lice
- Maternal Child Health Program
- Medical Reserve Corps
- NJCEED (NJ Cancer Education and Early Detection)
- Peanut Allergies
- Prescription Drug Disposal
- Public Health Nursing Keeps Eye on Community
- Raw Milk
- Shingles
- Special Child Health Services
- Sussex Warren Chronic Disease Coalition
- Tobacco
- Tuberculosis Control
- Vitamin D, It's More Than Sunshine
Office of Public Health Nursing
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone 973-579-0570
Fax 973-579-0571
Our mission is to protect and promote good health for all Sussex County citizens through direct and responsive community endeavors.
Complete Metabolic Profile
The CMP is a blood test that includes a hemogram, chemistry and lipid profile used to assess general health. It provides diagnostic information about many organs and systems in the body and screens for abnormalities for a reasonable fee.
Schedule to be announced.
Health Check
Vaccine clinic for adults and school-aged children. No fee for vaccines if uninsured or with select insurance policies.
Child Health Clinic
Well-child care for children from birth to 5 years old (school entry). Includes age-appropriate parent guidance, physical exams, vaccinations, and screenings (hearing, vision, blood lead, and anemia). Services are free for those who are uninsured.
Blood Pressure Screening
Public Health Nurses provide a Blood Pressure Screening Clinic to residents of various ages. Blood Pressures are taken and reported to the individual. Information about Blood Pressure and what it means is also provided. If needed, nurses follow up with the individual’s health care provider.
Schedule to be announced.
Men's Health Screening
Clinic visit includes prostate exam, PSA blood test, and availability of home colorectal screening. Services are free for those who are uninsured and meet financial eligibility. A reasonable fee is applied for those who are under insured.
Schedule to be announced.
Women's Health Screening
Clinic visit includes a clinical breast exam and a pelvic exam. Thin Prep pap testing is done, and availability of home colorectal screening. Mammography services are available. Services are free for those who are uninsured and meet financial eligibility. A reasonable fee is applied for those who are under insured.
Skin Cancer Screening
Clinic visit includes a full body screening exam. Health education provided for skin cancer awareness.
Schedule to be announced.
Flu (Influenza) vaccine offered at various locations within the County during the fall and winter in preparation for flu season. Contact the Office of Public Health Nursing for pricing. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 973-579-0570 ext. 1275.
Hepatitis B vaccines administered to emergency responders, firemen, policemen and other people whose occupations place them at risk for contracting Hepatitis B disease.
Please contact the Sussex County Office of Public Health Nursing for more information.
COVID-19 vaccines are offered at the Sussex County Public Health Office, click here for more info. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 973-579-0570 ext. 1275.
Well-child care for children from birth to 5 years old (school entry). Includes age-appropriate parent guidance, physical exams, vaccinations, and screenings (hearing, vision, blood lead, and anemia). Services are free for those who are uninsured.
Vaccine clinic for adults and school-aged children. No fee for vaccines if uninsured or with select insurance policies.
Special Child Health Case Managers are available to assist children with special needs and their families from birth until their twenty-second birthday. Case Management is available at no cost to families. Click here for more infromation.
Provides services and resources to reduce the burden of cancer in Sussex and Warren Counties through education, community linkages, and implementing evidence based strategies to promote the primary prevention and early detection of cancer.
Public Health Nurses provide formal and informal education on various health topics at public and private venues. Informative poster boards circulate throughout the year among County libraries. Nurses are available by phone to provide information to the public. Click here for more information.
The Sussex-Warren Chronic Disease Coalition utilizes community members and resource agencies to increase awareness, encourage prevention, and promote early detection of cancer and other chronic diseases.
NJ Cancer Education and Early Detection Program, with grant funding from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State, provides comprehensive breast, cervical, prostate and colorectal cancer education, outreach, screening clinics and case management services. Program eligibility is based on income and insurance status.
Participation in the Sussex County Emergency Preparedness Team and the Sussex County Domestic Preparedness Task Force. Nurse collaborate with County and NJ State agencies in planning for maintenance of health and fundamental services in the event of a local, state or national emergency. Click here for more information about the Sussex County Emergency Preparedness Team.
Yearly audit of preschool, elementary, middle, and high school student immunization records to ensure compliance with New Jersey law immunization requirements.
Childhood Lead Prevention
Blood lead screening and assessment of lifestyle and environment for sources of lead exposure. Referrals to Registered Environmental Health Specialist for home evaluation if indicated. Case management for people with elevated blood lead levels.
Tuberculosis Control Services
Public Health Nurses provide surveillance and case management to prevent the spread of tuberculosis. Daily direct observation of medication therapy and client/family education are components of this program.
HIV/AIDS information and referral for testing, AIDS Task Force.
Where Can I Get Tested For HIV/AIDS?
Childhood Lead Prevention
Blood lead screening and assessment of lifestyle and environment for sources of lead exposure. Referrals to Registered Environmental Health Specialist for home evaluation if indicated. Case management for people with elevated blood lead levels.
Tuberculosis Control Services
Public Health Nurses provide surveillance and case management to prevent the spread of tuberculosis. Daily direct observation of medication therapy and client/family education are components of this program.
HIV/AIDS information and referral for testing, AIDS Task Force. HIV Test Sites
Office of Public Health Nursing Team