Tuberculosis Control Services
Oversees surveillance, management and containment of tuberculosis, direct observation of medication therapy and client education.
Delivery of high quality services to Sussex County residents in a county where the local needs frequently far outstrip available resources is only possible through collaboration and tight coordination of services among human service providers. The most recent County Wide Health and Human Services Needs Assessment Recommendations for Action identified collaboration as its number one recommendation.
HIV/AIDS information and referral for testing, AIDS Task Force.
Delivery of high quality services to Sussex County residents in a county where the local needs frequently far outstrip available resources is only possible through collaboration and tight coordination of services among human service providers. The most recent County Wide Health and Human Services Needs Assessment Recommendations for Action identified collaboration as its number one recommendation.
Communicable Disease Control
Investigation and reporting of communicable diseases. Surveillance for disease trends. Public education about disease prevention.
Delivery of high quality services to Sussex County residents in a county where the local needs frequently far outstrip available resources is only possible through collaboration and tight coordination of services among human service providers. The most recent County Wide Health and Human Services Needs Assessment Recommendations for Action identified collaboration as its number one recommendation.