About the Office of Mosquito Control

This office uses an Integrated Pest Management approach to controlling mosquitoes. It starts with the philosophy that a multi-faceted prevention and control plan is the most cost-effective and efficient means of controlling mosquito populations.

Source reduction, or the elimination of larval habitat, is the most effective method of preventing mosquito populations. This practice ranges from removing tires and other artificial containers from the landscape to using water management practices to render habitats inhospitable to mosquitoes. In cases where this is not feasible, controlling mosquitoes in the aquatic habitat is the preferred approach. The mosquito larvae are concentrated and limited to their aquatic habitat; they cannot escape control efforts as can adult mosquitoes on the wing. Several control agents can be employed during the larval stage. Fish ranging from Gambusia to native fat-head minnows are natural predators of mosquitoes and are stocked in breeding sites to provide 24 hour larval control. Biorational larvicides with active ingredients found in soil everywhere, such as Bti, are used quite extensively and offer effective control as well.

As a final line of defense, a treatment for adult mosquitoes may be applied by truck-mounted sprayer if a significant mosquito population exists. All products and applications comply with guidelines published by Rutgers University and regulations set by NJ Department of Environmental Protection.

IPM - Integrated Pest Management Pyramid

IPM - Integrated Pest Management Pyramid

Mosquito and Disease Surveillance
Source Reduction
Bio Control
Public Education