The draft Sussex County Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for public review. This plan will be available for public review through May 7, 2021. Please use the online form to submit your plan review comments to the County. There is no limit to the number of comments you may submit; however, multiple comments need to be submitted individually using this online form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SussexDraft. We thank you in advance for your engagement in this planning process. For any questions, please contact Robert Haffner, Director (973-579-0380).
The goal of the project is to save lives and property through the reduction of hazard vulnerability for the entire County. During the course of this planning project, county and local leaders and the community will work in tandem to identify risks, assess capabilities, and formulate a strategy to reduce disaster vulnerability.
Resident and stakeholder participation is a vital part of the hazard mitigation planning process. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in lieu of in-person outreach at this time, we will continue to update this page with ways you can keep informed and engaged in the Sussex County HMP. Keep checking back regularly for information on upcoming events, to take our survey, and to review and comment on the draft plan.
- Citizen Survey Questionnaire: Sussex County developed a Citizen Preparedness Survey to assist in providing the public an outlet to contribute to the Sussex County HMP update. Thank you for participating in this important initiative by providing us with your anonymous survey contribution. Please visit the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SussexHMP2021
- Stakeholder Questionnaire: As part of the HMP update planning process we are engaging stakeholders and are looking for your assistance (i.e., utilities, transportation, business/commerce, emergency services, health/medical professionals). Please consider taking the stakeholder survey so we may collect input in terms of capabilities, vulnerabilities and potential projects. Please visit the survey at: https://forms.gle/oyVRKpTjoj1qnfHy7
- Mitigation Strategy Workshop Open to the Public: Please join the mitigation strategy workshop on November 12, 2020 at 4pm by clicking on this link (Join Microsoft Teams Meeting) or calling in at: +1 646-751-8477; Conference ID: 909 959 937#. This meeting will discuss mitigation actions to reduce natural hazard risk in Sussex County.
- ArcGIS Story Map: A Story Map has been developed to provide information regarding the HMP process and provide an opportunity for virtual public participation. http://sussex.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=f42eca01dccd4a67b7fc700437336b05