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NJCEED Program Community Partner Award
Sussex County NJCEED Program Awarded
Community Partner Award
(Hardyston, NJ) The Sussex County New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection (NJCEED) Program was awarded the Community Partner Award from the Atlantic Health System at the 4th Annual Empower Awards Ceremony on October 18, 2017. The event took place at St. Elizabeth's College in Morristown. Atlantic Health System, a leading non-profit health care delivery system in New Jersey, recognizes local organizations, hospital staff, and individuals who have gone the extra mile to improve the health of their communities. The Community Partner Award honors local organizations throughout the communities served by each of Atlantic Health System's hospitals that fulfill the vision of empowering our populations to be the healthiest in the nation.

Front: Sandy Winters, DNP; Marty Baldwin, RN, NJCEED Program Manager; Maureen Cianci, RN, Newton Medical Center Community Health Manager; Sharon St. Angelo, APN;
Rear: Laura Norton-Velez, RN, Outreach; Carol Novrit, Sussex County Health and Human Services Administrator; Aileen Parsons, RN, Clinical Nurse.
The New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection Program, with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the State of New Jersey, provides funding to all counties in the State for comprehensive breast, cervical, prostate, and colorectal cancer education, outreach, screening, and case management services. It is a program for the uninsured and underinsured who meet the income requirements. The Program goal is to increase the awareness of each person's risk for breast, cervical, prostate and/or colorectal cancer, and to decrease the morbidity and mortality due to cancer by encouraging the use of screening services for early detection and more effective treatment.
The NJCEED program partners with Atlantic Health in providing various outreach activities throughout Sussex County. Activities include mammogram referrals if women do not qualify for the NJCEED program through Newton's Mammograms Saves Lives Program and partnering in their new initiative with the Forward Franklin Coalition. Atlantic Health provides the NJCEED Program in delivering all of their diagnostic testing procedures.