Mosquito Products

Products used by the Office of Mosquito Control.

Commercial Larvicides (works on mosquito larvae)
Commercial Adulticides (works on adult mosquitoes)
Consumer Products






Products Available to the Consumer

Many of the products that mosquito control professionals use to control immature mosquitoes (larvae) are available in the exact same formulation for use by the consumer. These products include:

Bacterial larvicides: (with the active ingredient commonly found in soil)


Mosquito Bits
"Mosquito Bits" - a one-time application granular formulation ( external link)




Mosquito Dunks
"Mosquito Dunks" - a sustained release briquette formulation



Most of these products can be found at many home/garden and pet specialty stores. As with all pesticides, please read and comply with all label recommendations.

EPA Logo
US Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Information Page external link