Detention Alternatives

The Home Detention Program (HDP) provides 24 hour monitoring and supervision as an alternative for those youth who would otherwise be locked in secured detention. Through the use of an electronic monitoring device with GPS tracking and daily face to face contact, HDP staff monitor the whereabouts of each youth on the program. Staff provide case management and mentoring services, assist families with transportation to appointments, and assist linking youth to services mandated by the court. All youth and parents/guardians on HDP are required to agree to its rules and conditions. Once all parties agree, the Family Court Judge orders the youth on to HDP. The length of time a youth spends on HDP is determined by his or her compliance with the program and court ordered services, and ultimately by Family Court.
See Sussex County Detention Alternatives Presentation
The Home Supervision Program (HSP) is a lower level supervision program than home detention. It provides the same services to youth as HDP, with the exception that the youth is not monitored with an electronic monitoring device. As the youth achieves higher level status', the daily supervisions by staff lessen, with the goal of transitioning youth into the community becoming self-sufficient. Youth are admitted on to HSP as a step down from home detention or directly on to home supervision from Family Court.