This marker was placed in the year 2006. This marker signifies the historical value of the Daughters of the American Revolution and their commitment to the Von Bunschooten Museum. The marker is located on the lawn in front of the museum on Route 23 North in Wantage Township.
"This house was built in 1787 as the home of the Reverend Elias Van Bunschooten, a Dutch Reformed Minister. He was a farmer, mill operator, and large land owner. The farm was part of a 1000 acre plantation. The Dutch Colonial house is post and beam construction. Out buildings include a Wagon House, Ice House, and a Privy. The home was given to the Chinkchewunska Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution by Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Ramsey in 1971. The house and out buildings were listed on the National Register of Historic Sites and Places in 1974."
Photo courtesy of Patte Haggerty-Frato