Summer Safety Tips

Sun Safety
The Sun Safety AllianceTM educates you and your family on the importance of sun care safety, with the goal of helping to prevent skin cancer due to sun exposure. Good information for healthcare providers is also provided on this website. The Sun Safety AllianceTM (SSA) was founded by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores and Coppertone® Suncare Products. Their mission is to significantly reduce the incidence of skin cancer in the United States by motivating people to actively adopt and practice safe sun behavior.
The Skin Cancer Foundation is a national and international organization concerned exclusively with the world's most common malignancy -- cancer of the skin. The mission of this non-profit organization is to increase public and professional awareness about the prevention, detection, and treatment of skin cancer. The site offers information about prevention, self-examination and types of skin lesions and cancers.

Pool and Swimming Safety
On a hot summer day, nothing feels better than a dip in the pool. Swimming is great exercise and a lot of fun, but before you jump in, make sure you know the facts about water safety.
- For more information on Pool and Swimming Safety
Pool Safety for Children
Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety

What are recreational water illnesses (RWIs)?
RWIs are illnesses that are spread by swallowing, breathing, or having contact with contaminated water from swimming pools, spas, lakes, rivers, or oceans. Recreational water illnesses can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including skin, ear, respiratory, eye, and wound infections. The most commonly reported RWI is diarrhea. For more information click http://www.cdc.gov/healthyswimming/

Boating & Alcohol
Operating a boat is at least as complicated as driving a car and a boating accident can be just as dangerous as an automobile accident. Yet many people who would never drive while intoxicated think it's safe to operate their boat after drinking. It isn't. In fact, 50% of all boating fatalities are alcohol related.

Lyme Disease
The State of New Jersey continues to have one of the highest rates of Lyme disease in the country. The disease is transmitted by the bite of an infected deer (black legged) tick. Common habitats for the deer tick are leaf litter in wooded areas, grassy areas along wooded edges and low bushes and shrubs... Lyme disease information from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Watch our Lyme Disease PSA on You Tube

West Nile Virus Information
Mosquito Season is Coming! Mosquitoes aren't just a nuisance, they can carry West Nile virus and other diseases. Fortunately, you can take steps to protect yourself and your family:
- Avoid Mosquito Bites
- Mosquito-Proof Your Home
- Help Your Community
- Learn more about West Nile Virus

Poisonous Plants, Recognition and Treatment
Poisonous plants are everywhere. More than 700 species of plants located in the United States have caused illness or death in humans. Plants with poisonous parts can be found in homes, flower gardens and vegetable gardens. Some ornamental shrubs and trees and a variety of wild plants common in yards, woods, swamps and fields can cause sickness and death. Poisonous plants include poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. The old adage of "leaflets three – let it be" is a good rule to remember when working near any vegetation. All the plants mentioned (except poison sumac) have three-leaved stems. The two side (lateral) leaves are symmetrical and grow close to the stem, and the third (end) leaf is distinct and alone.
Usually, people develop a sensitivity to poison ivy, oak or sumac only after several encounters with the plants, sometimes over many years. However, sensitivity may occur after only one exposure.
The cause of the rash, blisters, and infamous itch is urushiol (pronounced oo-roo-shee-ohl), a chemical in the sap of poison ivy, oak and sumac plants. Because urushiol is inside the plant, brushing against an intact plant will not cause a reaction. But undamaged plants are rare.
For more information on Poisonous Plants and how to recognize and treat them

Food Safety Tips in Summer
The Memorial Day weekend signals the traditional beginning of summer, which means hot summer days perfect for barbecues and picnics.
But while warm weather is a perfect setting for outdoor eating, it also provides ideal growing conditions for the bacteria that cause food borne illness.

Don't Let Your Picnic Become a Statistic watch the 60 sec. Food Safety video
The Sussex County Division of Health has created a Public Service Announcement on food safety starring real Public Health Inspectors from the Sussex County Health Department, taking a humorous look at basic food safety in the home.
Watch it on YouTube

Staying Safe During the Summertime Heat
Exposure to excessive heat can cause illness, injury and death. Approximately 400 people die each year from exposure to heat due to weather conditions, and many more people die from health conditions that are exacerbated by exposure to excess heat. Most heat-related deaths occur during the summer months. The elderly, the very young, and people with chronic health problems are most at risk. Air conditioning is the leading protective factor against heat-related illness and death. By knowing who is at risk and what prevention measures to take, heat-related illness can be prevented (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention )
- What You Should Know About Extreme Heat
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Heat Wave Safety Checklist
(American Red Cross)
- Heat cramps
(Mayo Clinic)
- Heat Exhaustion
(Mayo Clinic)
- Heat Stroke
(Mayo Clinic)

Summer Traffic Safety
It is difficult to think of anything more tragic than the needless preventable death of a child. Each one of these deaths is a tragedy, especially to family and friends, and each one serves as a powerful warning that other children are at risk. Summer weather brings the volatile mix of children playing in driveways and streets, and drivers unaccustomed to looking for them outside following the end of the school year.

Allergies & You
There are three main sources of summer allergy symptoms - grass pollen, weed pollen and mold spores. As summer begins, grass pollens are active and weed pollen will take over and cause allergy symptoms as fall begins. This type of pollen may prevent you from enjoying outdoors activities, if you have airborne allergies, and activities may need to be scheduled later in the day, when pollen levels are lower. Mold spores are a leading cause of outdoor airborne allergies and thrive in the summertime. Mold spores can be found in compost piles, cut grass, wooded areas, fallen leaves, soil, debris and other moist surfaces. Click on any of the following for more information about summer allergies:
About Children & Allergies
Allergies commonly affect children causing sneezing, runny nose and water eyes. Learn about common symptoms of hay fever in kids and triggers, including pollen, mold, dust mite, animals and chemicals. Plus get info on diagnosis and treatments by clicking on the following link:

High Temperatures Could Mean Tragedy for a Child Left in a Car
When it's warm outside, cars heat up quickly which can be very dangerous for children. Parents running quick errands may think their cars will remain cool, but even on mild days temperatures inside vehicles can rise to dangerous levels in minutes. A young child's core body temperature can increase three to five times faster than that of an adult, causing permanent injury or death (National Safe Kids Campaign).

Summer Safety Tips for Pet Owners
Summer is a great time for people and their pets. Whether it's walking your dog on a sunny afternoon or leaving your screened windows open for your cat to enjoy a breeze, there are many ways for two and four-footed creatures alike to enjoy the season. Summertime temperatures and humidity, parked cars, jogging, beaches, swimming pools and "the wind in your face" can be hazardous to your pet's health. Heat stroke remains the biggest threat. As a precaution, never lock your pets in the car in the midday sun, and never let them out in the hottest period of the day. Many pets suffer in the summer, but if you take note of sensible safety tips, you and your pet will be properly prepared for a great summer!
For some basic tips on the do's and don'ts for summer safety as well as signs of heat stroke in animals, try these links:
- http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/hot-weather-safety-tips
- Humane Society of the United States Offers Tips For a Fun and Safe Summer for Your Pets
For Dog Owners: Hot weather can make us all uncomfortable, and it poses special risks for your dog. Click on the following link for safety concerns to keep in mind as the temperature rises, and follow their tips to keep your dog cool.

Summer Safety Tips from First Energy
FirstEnergy Offers Tips to Stay Safe Around Electricity This Summer.