What You Can Do To Prepare
Get Tech Ready
Keep your contacts updated across all of your channels, including phone, email and social media. This will make it easy to reach out to the right people quickly to get information and supply updates. Consider creating a group list serve of your top contacts. (source: Ready.gov)
Learn how to send updates via text and internet from your mobile phone to your contacts and social channels in case voice communications are not available. Text messages and the internet often have the ability to work in the event of a phone service disruption.
Keep extra batteries for your phone in a safe place or purchase a solar-powered or hand-cranked charger. These chargers are good emergency tools to keep your laptop and other small electronics working in the event of a power outage. If you own a car, purchase a car phone charger because you can charge your phone if you lose power at your home.
Program "In Case of Emergency" (ICE) contacts into your cell phone so emergency personnel can contact those people for you if you are unable to use your phone. Let your ICE contacts know that they are programmed into your phone and inform them of any medical issues or other special needs you may have.
If you have a traditional landline (non-broadband or VOIP) phone, keep at least one non-cordless receiver in your home because it will work even if you lose power.
If you are evacuated and have call-forwarding on your home phone, forward your home phone number to your cell phone number.
If you do not have a cell phone, keep a prepaid phone card to use if needed during or after a disaster.
Prepare and distribute a family contact sheet with names, relationships and phone numbers. This should include at least one out-of-town contact that may be better able to reach family members in an emergency.
Store your financial and other critical records "in the cloud" or on a flash or jump drive.
Important documents such as personal and financial records can be stored now in a password-protected area in the Cloud or on a secure flash or jump drive that you can keep readily available. A flash drive can be kept on a key ring so it can be accessed from any computer anytime, anywhere.
Remember important documents, such as personal and property insurance, identification including Driver's license/passport (for family members, as well) and banking information.
In advance of a
storm or emergency
Make sure your automobiles are fully fueled: gas stations may run out of fuel or be unable to operate gas pumps if the power goes out.
Make sure you have enough cash on hand to cover emergency purchases. ATM machines may not be working.
Get a Kit of
Emergency Supplies
Be prepared to improvise and use what you have on hand to make it on your own for at least three days, maybe longer. (source: Ready.gov)
Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
Don't Forget Your Pets
Make a Plan for
What You Will Do
Be prepared to assess the situation, use common sense and whatever you have on hand to take care of yourself and your loved ones. (source: Ready.gov)
Individuals with Disabilities
Build a Kit
Indian Country
Plan for Locations
Be Informed about
what might happen
Some of the things you can do to prepare for the unexpected, such as assembling a supply kit and developing a family communications plan, are the same for both a natural or man-made emergency. However there are important differences among potential terrorist threats that will impact the decisions you make and the actions you take. (source: Ready.gov)
Warning Systems and Signals
Community Preparedness Toolkit
Home Fires
Evacuating Yourself and Your Family
Recovering from Disaster