News & Information
Bring Your Child to Work Day April 25, 2019
Bring Your Child to Work Day April 25, 2019
On April 25, 2019, the County of Sussex held the first County wide "Bring Your Child to Work Day" event. A total of 18 children participated with over 50 employees in attendance as accompanying parents, volunteers, and presenters. The day started at the Fire Academy with a warm introduction and welcome from Freeholder Director, Herb Yardley and Baxter too and County Administrator, Greg Poff. The children were split into three groups and rotated among the Fire Academy, Mosquito Building, Frankford DPW Garage, and the Frankford Library throughout the day. Over 12 different offices, divisions, and departments held interactive activities for the children.
The events of the day provided children an opportunity to learn about the County and what their parent's employer does. The National Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day theme was "Workforce Development for All," where the children donated items to the food pantry as a way to give back to their local community. This couldn't have been a better year to kick off our first event. The children, parents and volunteers had a great day learning about the different aspects of the County.
A special thanks to Larry Bono at the Fire Academy, the Sheriff's Office and Officers for safely crossing the children to the library, all the volunteers, presenters, and the Bring Your Child to Work Day planning committee members!

Herb Yardley and Baxter kicking off the day

Christine Whitehead from the Division of Health tells the blue group about environmental health inspections.

The blue group plays nutrition bingo.

The Blue Group

The green group at DPW.

The green group at DPW.

Stefanie Scheider from the Division of Health tells the red group about Clean Communities.

The Red Group ending the day posing for a picture with Sheriff's Officer Mark Peer

Touring the Incident Command Truck

Anne Sullivan, Julia Gurriell, and Elaine Martinez demonstrating a HAZMAT response scenario

Learning about the Salt Dome at the DPW Garage

Lunchtime volunteers, Tami Vandergroef, Ashley Havens, and Amanda Norman