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Free Museum Passes at the Sussex County Library
Free Museum Passes at the Sussex County Library
The Sussex County Library System has just introduced a free museum pass program for patrons. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit three museums at no cost!
A free family pass to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum , located in New York City, is now available at the Main Library. Additionally, family passes to the Morris Museum and the Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms are available at both the Main Library and at the Dorothy Henry Branch (located in Vernon).
The Intrepid pass allows free admission for up to six people per day; the Morris Museum provides free admission for two adults and up to three children; and the Stickley Museum pass admits two adults and all the children living in the household under the age of eighteen. Passes can be checked out for one week and can be reserved in advance (up to thirty days) in person or by phone by adult patrons in good standing. The passes have a one week loan period (late fees will be assessed if return after the due date).
The Intrepid pass can only be picked up at the Main Library. The Morris Museum and Stickley passes can be picked up at either the Main Library or the Dorothy Henry Branch. The passes must be returned directly to the library where they were borrowed.
For more details, or to reserve a pass, call the Main Library at 973-948-3660, ext. 3420, or the Dorothy Henry Branch at 973-827-8095.