News & Information
Library Exhibit Artist JoAnne Daniels Celebrates 50 Years with the SCLS
Contact: Kathleen Freisinger
Sussex County Main Library
973 948-3660 ext. 3401
Newton, NJ – JoAnne Daniels started work at the Main Library of the Sussex County Library System (SCLS) on April 23, 1973, and never looked back. From her first days as a Junior Library Assistant in the Technical Services department, to her present-day duties of creating monthly calendars, flyers, posters and bookmarks for the hundreds of programs the SCLS provides each year, Ms. Daniels has been dedicated, creative, hard-working and always willing to learn new things. Library patrons aren’t the only ones who have enjoyed her artwork, Ms. Daniels has also been responsible for designing, mounting and maintaining the SCLS booth display at Sussex County Farm and Horse Show/New Jersey State Fair for the last 34 years.
Ms. Daniels is taking her well-earned retirement at the end of April, and she will be sorely missed. “She’s more than a talented artist, she’s our institutional memory, our heart and our stomach as well,” smiled Library Director Will Porter, referring to the many staff luncheons and teas Ms. Daniels planned.
An anniversary celebration was held at Main Library on April 24, where Ms. Daniels received a congratulatory letter from the Governor’s office, a Certificate of Special Senate Recognition signed by Senator Robert Menendez, and a Citation from the State and General Assembly signed by State Senator Steve Oroho, and Assemblymen Parker Space and Harold Wirths. County Commissioner Chris Carney spoke at the celebration, which was also attended by County Administrator Ron Tappan, County Treasurer Elke Yetter, and County Clerk/Confidential Assistant Christina Marks. Retired SCLS Library Director Harold Neuschafer spoke about Ms. Daniel’s early career while current Director, Will Porter, emceed.
Photo Captions:
(JoAnne Daniels) JoAnne Daniels addresses the audience at her 50th Anniversary Celebration (Monday, April 24, 2023)
(County Officials) County officials celebrate JoAnne Daniels 50th Anniversary with the SCLS (Monday, April 24, 2023) (back row) Library Director Will Porter, County Administrator Ron Tappan, and County Commissioner Chris Carney (front row) Honoree JoAnne Daniels, Retired Library Director Harold Neuschafer, County Treasurer Elke Yetter, and County Clerk/Confidential Assistant Christina Marks
(Program Posters) Main Library Community Room bedecked with examples of Ms. Daniels work (Monday, April 24, 2023)